Dr. Sharan Narute

What are the clinic timings of Dr Satish Pattanshetti Surgical Clinic Baner?
The clinic timings of Dr Satish Pattanshetti Surgical Clinic Baner Pune is Morning 11AM – 2PM(on call) and Evening – 5PM – 8:30 PM. It is recommended to take your appointment prior to visiting clinic.
How to book Appointment with Dr. Satish Pattanshetti?
You can book an appointment by calling on the clinic numbers 9011100010 or or you can book directly from here by clicking the link by clicking here Enquiry
Where does Dr. Satish Pattanshetti practices?
Dr. Satish Pattanshetti practices at his clinic in Baner and also he is panel consultant in some of prestigious hospital in Pune like ONP Shivajinagar, Jupiter and many other hospital. Call 9011100010 to know more.
What does Dr. Satish Pattanshetti specialize in?
Dr. Satish Pattanshetti is amongst the leading General and Bariatric Surgeon in Baner Pune who is specialized in Laparoscopic Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, Endocrinology and Metabolism.
How much experience Dr. Satish Pattanshetti have?
Dr. Pattanshetti has a rich experience of more than 20 years in General and Laparoscopic surgery.
Which Services/Treatments are provided by Dr. Satish Pattanshetti?
Services / treatment provided by Dr. Satish Pattanshetti are as follows –
  • Swallow Pill Gastric Balloon
  • Laparoscopic Hernia Surgeries
  • Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy(Gall Bladder Surgery)
  • Thyroidectomy surgeries
  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Weightloss Management
Do you have online consultations?
Please coordinate for online consultation by calling on this number – 9011100010